Organ transplantation

Organ transplantation in Türkiye

Organ transplantation is the process of transferring an organ or tissue from one body to another, called an “allograft,” or replacing damaged tissue in one body by transferring a portion of healthy tissue to the damaged part, called an “autograft.”

Organ transplantation is a complex and difficult process, but it is considered the best way to treat the functional failure of a specific organ. Transplantation treatment increases the patient’s survival period and improves his quality of life.

Organ transplantation
زراعة الاعضاء

Examples of organ transplants include transplanting the heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, intestines, pancreas, and thymus. Tissue transplants include bone, tendon (bone and muscle grafts), cornea, skin, heart valves, and veins.

Before the procedure, you will meet several members of the multidisciplinary medical team, which includes:


Clinical nursing specialist


Transplant Specialist






Anesthesia specialist


nutrition specialist

After consulting with the team and reviewing test results, the transplant surgeons will discuss their recommendations with you.

Because organ transplantation is an extremely important operation, our center provides the appropriate and competent staff to perform this type of operation. We should also not forget post-operative medical care, which plays a very important role in the patient’s recovery process.

Surgery steps

In fact, the steps for organ transplantation vary depending on the organ to be transplanted and other factors evaluated by the medical team.

Organ transplantation surgery is characterized by the implementation of certain procedures in order to limit the period of interruption of blood supply to the organ that must be transplanted. This period begins by stopping the blood supply to the organ and transporting it to the medical center where the patient is most suitable to receive this organ until the time when this organ reaches the patient’s circulation.

After surgery

This point is considered one of the most important points in organ transplantation, so we provide extreme care commensurate with the type of operation and the patient’s requirements, because the recipient’s immune system can reject and destroy the transplanted organ or tissue, and is a need for chronic use of medications that suppress the immune system to suppress and inhibit this immune response, and thus prevent rejection. The body supports the transplanted organ and increases the likelihood of it surviving for a longer period.

The treatments used vary depending on the tissue or organ being transplanted, the level of compatibility between the donor and recipient, and other factors.

Types of organ transplants that we provide at Tadawi

Organ transplantation in Türkiye

The process of organ transplantation in Turkey, or the process of transferring organs and tissues, is divided into two types. The first type is called “allograft” which is the transfer of an organ or tissue from one body to another. The second type is called “autograft” which is the replacement of damaged tissue in one body by transferring a part. From healthy tissue to the damaged part.

Organ transplantation is a complex and difficult process, but it is an excellent option for treating the functional failure of a particular organ, especially since treatment by organ transplantation is considered a final solution to the problem and improves quality of life.

Risks and complications

As we said previously, the process of organ transplantation is a complex and difficult process, and there is certainly a risk rate, this rate varies according to the organ to be transplanted in addition to several other factors evaluated by the medical team. Among the risks that the patient may face is that the body rejects the transplanted organ or that viruses and bacteria transmit with it. The body or cancer is due to prolonged use of immunosuppressants, in addition to the risk of atherosclerosis, gout, kidney problems, graft-versus-host disease, and osteoporosis.

Post-operative care and rehabilitation

At Tadawi, we are well aware of the importance of post-operative care and patient rehabilitation, so we provide extreme care that is appropriate to the type of operation and the patient’s requirements, especially with the risk that the recipient’s immune system will reject and destroy the transplanted organ or tissue.

Why choose Tedavi for organ transplantation?

At Tadawi, we combine medical experience and advanced technology. We have the best medical staff in Turkey. We also deal with the most skilled surgeons in Turkey and all our operations are carried out in accordance with the best international safety standards and in rooms equipped with the latest devices and equipment.

common questions

Yes, this is certainly possible, provided that the blood type is compatible in addition to a set of health conditions that are tested before the operation is performed.

This depends on the type of organ transplant operation performed and the success rate of the operation.

This depends on the type of organ transplant operation performed and the success rate of the operation.

Possible complications include the body rejecting the transplanted organ, transmitting viruses and bacteria with the body, or developing cancer due to long-term use of immunosuppressants. This is in addition to the risk of atherosclerosis, gout, kidney problems, graft-versus-host disease, and osteoporosis.

Yes, the body may reject the transplanted organ, and this is usually corrected by using immunosuppressants for a relatively long period.

This depends on the type of organ transplant operation performed and the success rate of the operation.

Yes, it is a good treatment, especially when treating the functional failure of a specific organ, especially since treatment with an organ transplant is considered a final solution to the problem and improves his quality of life.

This depends on the type of health problems you have and the organ you want to donate.

Please contact us and get more information about organ transplantation in Turkey from Tadawi

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يتمتع الأطباء والجراحون المتخصصون في عمليات زرع الأعضاء وغيرهم من الطاقم الطبي لعمليات الزرع في مايو كلينك بخبرة واسعة فيما يخص التبرع من الأحياء. وغالبًا ما توفر عملية زرع الأعضاء من متبرع حي بديلاً أفضل من الانتظار للحصول على عضو من متبرع متوفٍ. فقد تكون فترة الانتظار أقصر والمضاعفات أقل مع عمليات زرع أعضاء من متبرعين أحياء. (تعرّف على المزيد حول برامج التبرع التبادلي في مايو كلينك.)

يُجري جراحو مايو كلينك جراحات زرع أعضاء من متبرعين أحياء لزرع الكبد وزرع الكلى.

وتمتلك مايو كلينك واحدًا من أكبر برامج زرع الكلى من متبرعين أحياء في الولايات المتحدة. ويعكف الباحثون على دراسة نتائج عمليات زرع الأعضاء لتحسينها. وبوجه عام، تعمل الكلى المأخوذة من متبرعين أحياء لفترة أطول مقارنة بالكلى المأخوذة من متبرعين متوفين.

حيث يُجري الجراحون عملية جراحية طفيفة التوغل لاستئصال كلية من متبرع حي (استئصال الكلية بالتنظير) تمهيدًا لإجراء عملية زرع كلى، وقد يشعر المتبرع بألم أقل ويتعافى في وقت أقصر. وبالنسبة إلى عملية زرع كبد من متبرع حي، يستأصل الجراحون ما يقرب من نصف كبد المتبرع من خلال إجراء شق مماثل للشق الذي فُتح في جسم المتلقي، ولكنه يكون أصغر منه.

أهلية المتبرع وبياناته
سيجري فريق عمليات زرع الأعضاء تقييمًا لحالتك الصحية لتحديد ما إذا كان بإمكانك التبرع بكلية أو جزء من الكبد. عادةً ما تكون سن المتبرعين أصغر من 60 عامًا. ستخضع لتحاليل دم لتحديد ما إن كانت فصيلة دمك ونوع الأنسجة لديك متوافقين مع المريض الذي سيُزرع العضو فيه. سيقوم فريق العمل بجراحات زرع الأعضاء بإجراء مقابلة معك، وستحتاج إلى تقديم سجلك الطبي. ستخضع أيضًا لفحص بدني دقيق. كما ستخضع لعدة اختبارات أخرى، تشمل التصوير المفصل للكبد أو الكلى، وذلك لضمان أنك بصحة جيدة وتستوفي معايير التبرع. وستكون خطوتك الأولى هي استكمال استبيان التاريخ المَرَضي.

سيناقش فريق عمليات زرع الأعضاء معك ومع أسرتك فوائد التبرع بأحد أعضائك ومخاطره وسيجيبون عن استفساراتك. وبعد التبرع بالعضو، سيقدم لك منسقو شؤون المتبرعين الأحياء وغيرهم من فريق عمليات زرع الأعضاء الدعم والرعاية في مرحلة المتابعة لعدة أشهر من بعد إجراء العملية الجراحية.

علاوةً على التبرع بأعضاء حية، قد تتبرع أيضًا بنخاع العظم لإجراء عملية زرع نخاع عظمي.