نسعى دائماً لتقديم العناية المخصصة وضمان العلاج الشامل لصحتكفي تداوي، نرى في كل تحدي فرصة لإحياء الأمل

Tadawi for operations and physical therapy

We provide a wide range of services that include physical therapy, neurosurgery, bone and joint surgery, heart surgery, cancer treatment, organ transplantation, and plastic surgery.

Our services in Tedavi

We provide a wide range of services that include physical therapy, neurosurgery, bone and joint surgery, heart surgery, cancer treatment, organ transplantation, and plastic surgery.

the physical treatment

We offer advanced physical therapy services, where training and hands-on care are provided by experts in improving movement and physical function


Neurosurgery services are among the specialized medical services at the center, as we provide full medical support to treat structural problems of the brain


We excel in neurosurgical services. We have a partnership with the elite neurosurgeons in Turkey. We have always dealt with the most difficult neurological cases.

Bones and joints

Our orthopedic doctors are well-known throughout Turkey and the Middle East. By relying on them, we have provided patients with excellent, integrated surgical and therapeutic services.

Heart Surgery

With advanced cardiac surgery services at the centre, we provide optimal medical care for cardiovascular problems

Cancer treatment

We provide cancer patients with advanced and effective treatment services. We provide full support through customized treatment plans supervised by elite specialist doctors.

organ transplant

Organ transplant operations require specific skills, so we rely on an elite group of the most skilled surgeons in Turkey, and we make sure that they are performed in excellently equipped operating rooms.

Plastic surgery

With advanced plastic surgery services, we aim to improve the external appearance of patients, hide the body’s defects and highlight its advantages and beauty.

Why is Tedavi Center your best treatment option?

We combine medical expertise and advanced technology to provide you with medical and cosmetic services in Turkey with the highest quality standards. With our extensive network of distinguished doctors and surgeons in Turkey, we guarantee you an effective treatment that meets your expectations.

We strive to provide the best in the field of physical therapy and rehabilitation in Türkiye. We care about all the details related to your treatment journey, ensuring you an integrated and comprehensive healing experience.

Tadawi for operations and physical therapy

Advantages of your treatment at Tadawi

Specialized treatment follow-up

We provide personal follow-up that covers all your needs to ensure the best results.

Partnering with the best surgeons

We have a partnership with an elite group of the best surgeons in various medical and cosmetic specialties.

A comfortable and integrated experience

Medical clinics, operating rooms and patient rooms are designed to provide the utmost comfort and privacy.

A distinguished and expert medical team

We feature a highly experienced and advanced trained medical team, ensuring you optimal medical care.

Words that bring hope to our hearts…

Ali Al Marri - Iraq

God willing, the center is very beautiful, God willing, and all the trainers are humble and joke with you, make you laugh, and lift a person’s morale. Exercise No. 1 and the whole team are good, never short and cheerful. May God reward you well

Ali Al Marri – Iraq

Ali Al-Maleh - Iraq

Medical services are the highest in terms of treatment, attention, and concern for the patient’s health

Ali Al-Maleh – Iraq

Abdel Rahman - Algeria

I will never forget the staff since I came for treatment and I am constantly improving

Abdel Rahman – Algeria

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